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In honor of Jon and his team, making their first Superbowl appearance in twenty years, here is a video from the glory days. Let's just say the winner shall be a certain team, from a certain Midwestern town that starts with a C, ends in an O and in the middle is 'hicag.'
edit: I appears that the 'Da Super fans' video I posted has been pulled. So NBC was fine with having this on YouTube for a while, but now that the Bears are in the Superbowl and people are searching for things like this they pull the video? Ridiculous. What's the point of YouTube if you can't watch clips from old TV shows? I guess only Ghostriding.
Just want to see if this works. I am excited about it. Like Sean Taylor in a room full of white high school chicks.
Shit, like me in a room full of white high school chicks.
Remember that time, the time when we were going to use caution and professionalism in our posts? Remember that other time, when you blew it? On your first post ever?
Hey, is there anymore space in that white chick room for me?
Professionalism? ProFESSIONALISM??? you're talking about PROFESSIONALISM???....
we're talking about a blog...a BLOG...not a publication, NOT a publication!...a blog...
we blog....to be....unprofessional
...For some reason those just dont feel like they were totally original
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